Best Paying Jobs In Power Generation

Jobs In Power Generation

If you are looking for high paying energy jobs then this article is perfect for you. The energy sector is growing day by day and salaries are increasing rapidly in this sector. Considering the demand for power generation the salaries of the jobs in power generation can have flourishing careers. So, I’ll tell you the best paying jobs in power generation to start and boost your career. 

What Is A Power Generation?

Power Generation
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The Power Generation is a process where the generator produces electricity by converting different energy forms like Thermal power, Nuclear power, Renewable power, etc. The U.S. generates over 4.24 trillion kWh of energy with this power generation in 2022.

If anyone wants to work in Power generation then they get an incredible amount of salaries for their hard work. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, power generation is one of the best-paying jobs with an average salary of $50,000.

Top 10 Best Paying Jobs In Power Generation

If you are excited about working in power generation and looking for a best paying jobs in power generation that suits you then you need to check out these 10 best paying jobs in power generation that pays you between $59,240 to $146,820.

1. Power Generation Operator

Power Generation Operator
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Average Salary:- $54,141 per year

If you want to become a power generator operator then you might get the best salary for your hard work to justify your workforce. The responsibility of a power generator operator is to check safety measurements, respond in case of an emergency situation, maintain the reactor/generator, analyze the cause of any problem in the power generator, and solve it.

2. Technician (Wind Turbine)

Technician (Wind Turbine)
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Average Salary:- $58,609 per year 

A wind turbine technician is one of the best paying jobs in power generation. The key task of a wind turbine technician is to install new wind turbines and parts, inspect the turbines, repairs, routine maintenance, resolve problems, etc. Wind turbine technicians need very skillful and trained workers. A simple mistake can cause the turbine destroyed. 

3. Power Plant Operator

Power Plant Operator

Average Salary:- $61,848 per year

A power plant operator is the third most payable job in the power generation sector. The duties of a power plant operator are to control and monitor the power plant. Also, they ensure the safety of the plant and other workers.

 If you want to become a power plant operator then you need technical skills and lots of experience in the power generation sector along with graduation in a technical field. The basic package of a power plant operator in the US starts at $35,000.

4. Electrical Power-Line Installer And Repairer

Electrical Power-Line Installer And Repairer
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Average Salary:- $74,186 per year

If you want to become an electrical power line expert then you can earn up to $80k. The main responsibility of an electrical power line expert is to install and repair the power line, repair defective devices, check the regular voltage meter, inspect the power line on the poles, remove any object that blocks the power line, etc. 

5. Energy Auditor

Energy Auditor
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Average Salary:- $77,515 per year

This is in the 5th position in the list of top 10 best paying jobs in power generation. The energy auditor is one of the most important roles in power generation. They identify the problems that need to be improved in a generator or a reactor. Their regular duties are to check the utility bills and manage them, inspect the power building, conduct a thermographic scan to search for any problem or energy leakage, review power sources, etc.

6. Power Distribution Engineer

Power Distribution Engineer

Average Salary:- $78,561 per year

In international level the average salary of a power distribution engineer is &70,785. And it would be expected to increase by 5% in the next year. If you want to work as a power distribution engineer to grab that salary then you have to develop the electrical infrastructure and procedures, review the electrical systems, upgrade and maintain the power system, and conduct daily inspections. 

7. Mechanical Engineer 

Mechanical Engineer
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Average Salary:- $85,957 per year

Mechanical engineers work together with electrical engineers and they are the main workers to design and operate the power plant. There are mainly six types of power plants Nuclear, Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric, Geothermal, and Tidal. In different power generation, the job roles are different. However, the key responsibility is to design and maintain the power plant and do a regular check for any malfunction. 

8. Electrical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Average Salary:- $92,057 per year

As I said electrical engineers work with mechanical engineers they mainly design the electrical infrastructure and maintain the wires and other stuff. Electrical engineers review the design, develop the infrastructure of wiring, and create new ways to improve the electrical system, etc.

9. Nuclear Engineer 

Nuclear Engineer
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Average Salary:- $100,057 per year

A nuclear engineer is one of the most valuable positions in a power generation especially in the nuclear powerplants. The job role of a nuclear engineer is to take care of the energy and radiation, design, develop, and operate the nuclear plant, etc. Almost 25% of nuclear engineers work in the power generation sector in the U.S.

10. Energy Storage Engineer

Energy Storage Engineer
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Average Salary:- $134,047 per year

This is the highest-paying job in our list of the best paying jobs in power generation. In this job role, your main responsibilities will be to reduce toxic gases and greenhouse gases, upgrade the stability of the grids in power plants, and improve energy storage. 

Conclusion: Best Energy Companies To Work For

power generation
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In the end, you learned the best paying jobs in power generation through this article. Now you need to find the best energy company to start work. But remember these types of work needs very skilled and experienced workers. Duke Energy, Eversource Energy, Entergy, and Hilcorp Energy, are some of the best energy-producing companies to work for a better career. 

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