Is Coal Mining A Good Career Path?

is coal mining a good career path

We all know coal is the most valuable fossil fuel. Since the Bronze Age, we have been using coal as our main source of energy. If you like to work in this industry and make a career in the mining field then in this article I’ll tell you is coal mining a good career for you or not and analyze the risks in the mining field. So without wasting any more time let’s begin.

What Is Coal Mining? Types Of Mining Coal

What Is Coal Mining? Types Of Mining Coal

Before knowing ‘Is coal mining a good career path’ you need to understand what is Coal mining. Coal Mining is a work process of uprooting coal from the ground. There are multiple types of coal mining surface mining, underground mining, etc. 

Large machines, mining trucks, hydraulic shovels, large bulldozers, drills, and other motor gear are used to mine coal from the ground. This work is not a child play. 

There are mainly two types of coal mining. One is surface mining and the other one is underground mining.

Surface Mining

In this mining process first, the miners use explosives to remove soil and rock from the surface. Then they shovel and drill in that area. Once the coal is exposed, they extract coal and transport it using heavy trucks. It is the most affordable way to mine coal than underground mining. 

Underground Mining

Unlike surface mining underground mining is expensive and more risky work to do. There are two types of underground mining. One is Room and Pillar, which is used for small coal seams and the other one is Longwall, unlike Room and Pillar it is more effective and best for deep coal beds. The longwall method doesn’t need a roof wall to support it so you can do deep mining. 

Is Coal Mining A Good Career Path?

Is Coal Mining A Good Career Path?
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Now you know about coal mining and its types but is coal mining a good career path for you? The mining job is always on trend and the industry of coal mining is very large it is not an easy job to do. The coal mining work not only requires skill but also needs manpower.

However, it is not on the list of everyone’s career path. The mining work is a well-paying job. The establishment of coal mining is very big. Once you start doing work then you don’t need to worry about the future. Also, some mining works are regulated by the government.

So the answer to your question ‘Is coal mining a good career path’ depends upon you. If you are looking for physical-related work with a heavy salary and lots of insurance, ESI, funds, and other bonuses then it is a good and long-lasting career for you. However, the health issue is a major drawback to this career path.

Is Coal Mining Dangerous?

Is Coal Mining Dangerous?
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Valuable minerals and fossil fuels like coal are buried under the Earth’s underground. Mining is the only process to extract the coal. The work of coal mining is risky due to the Toxic environment, heavy machines, and Uncertain situation. 

According to the data on SMCRA, since 1900, over 105,089 coal miners have died in mine incidents. After 1993 on average 55 deaths per year in the minefield. However, with this kind of risk last year 55,156 workers were employed in the Coal mines in the main US.

Coal mining is considered a dangerous industry and not meant for everyone. If you survive the mining accidents, there is another risk of getting ill from the dangerous gases, dust, and toxic environment. Most of the time collapsing tunnels caused fatal deaths in coal mines.

How To Start A Coal Mining Career? 

How To Start A Coal Mining Career?
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Now you know about ‘Is coal mining a good career path and the risk of being a miner’. Now the next part is how you can be a coal miner. To become and miner you need to complete these points.

1. Basic requirements

The coal mining industry mainly field work doesn’t need any advanced education background. But there are some basic requirements for qualification. You need to be fit in their physical measurement, must be 18 or above, and a basic school diploma or GED.

2. Training

There are some local mining training courses you must complete. These training courses teach you mining techniques, machine operating, and safety precautions. And you may get a chance to work on an actual mining site.

3. Certifications 

In the US you can apply for a certification from the mining board. They conduct a mining test every year just enter on the test and do your best to qualify. 

4. Apply For Jobs

After getting your training and certification now you can apply for jobs in the coal mining field. Just search for mining jobs in your area on the internet and send your resume or contact them for an interview. If you have a professional referral then you can get your desirable position.

Coal Mining Engineering Salary And Job Role

RoleAverage Income/Profit
Coal miner$47,242 per year or $23 per hour
Geotechnical Engineer $92,497 per year, or $44.47 per hour
Mining engineer$96,131 per year or $46.22 per hour
Geological Engineer$91,000–$153,000 per year
Coal mine operative$47,242 per year or $23 per hour
Maintenance manager$57,674 per year or $28 per hour to $173,200 per year
Underground Electrician Jobs$66,300 per year or $29.52 per hour
Surface Mine Machinery Mechanic$46,571 per year or $23 per hour
Underground Mine And Machinery Mechanic$39,195 per year to $75,340 per year 


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In the end, The dangerous job in a coal mine comes with a big salary to live a good life in the US. Safety and accidents occur more often but mining corporations paying more attention to this issue. So, now you know is coal mining a good career path for you or not. I hope you like this article. If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comment section.

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